There's no such thing... Hey! That's the title of the comic!
Foolish not to flinch maybe.
Peculiar choice of names. Was Jason was hearing things?
No. Jason heard right. View it is.
The first flashback! A fiery-haired snoozer.
Even if it all was a bad dream, it existed, right?
Contact. Essential.
Meanwhile, in an office somewhere in town...
Call anxiety versus age doubts. Truly 21st century.
Jason's got a ringtone on top of vibrate. Don't miss those calls!
Whoa, a challenge.
Geez, might as well just put it on speaker.
Dim's thoughts. Just a little condescending.
Hate is never the word.
Ooo, busted! Out with it, Jason.
Raising your voice is a surefire way to dispel doubt, mm-hm.
And with that, another hint of something gruesome.
But hey, the world keeps turning.
Sorting memories is always a good time.
Dim has some very specific feelings regarding Day.
End of Ch.II